Supported Contests List
Types of Contests in the List
DX, DXpedition, general = General Contest Logging (all modes)
hf cw&ssb = Supported HF Contests – CW and SSB. All contests are supported ‘both’ sides unless specifically mentioned.
qso party =QSO Parties (CW/SSB)
- United States
- The QSO parties listed below are supported by N1MM Logger+.
- Select: QSOPARTY and select the correct state in the dropdown box which will appear.
- The QSO parties use a configuration file named ‘QSOparty.sec’ with the used sections per QSO party.
- See the QSO Party Setup Instructions for more information on QSO parties in general and some specifics. There are some scoring anomalies with some of the QSO parties.
- Canada =Province and Sponsor Link
- Other QSO Parties = MARAC
vhf = Supported VHF CW and SSB Contests. All contests are supported ‘both’ sides unless specifically mentioned.
digital, rtty & psk = Supported RTTY, PSK, and other digital mode Contests
udc = Supported User Defined Contests (UDC). See the installation and setup instructions for UDCs HERE.
These tables can be overwhelming when looking for a contest and not quite sure of its name. If you know a word that is likely to apply to your contest, use your browser’s search feature (usually invoked with <crtl>+F) to find that word/expression somewhere on this page.
The Supported Contests Tables
DX, DXpedition, and General Purpose Contests
Name Setup Link | Sponsor Rules | Comments / Description |
DX | – | Sent RST. Received RST fields. Name and Comment field |
DXPEDITION | – | Only has Sent and Received RST fields |
DXSERIAL | – | Sent and received RST. Nr fields and a Comment field for Generic Serial number contests. Default multipliers and points. |
DXSATELLIT | – | Only three fields: Call. Grid and Satellite |
VHFDX | – | Sent RST. Received RST fields. Grid and Comment field |
VHFSERIAL | – | Sent and received RST. Nr fields and Grid fields. For generic VHF serial number contests. Comments possible. |
HF – SSB and CW Contests
Name Setup Link | Sponsor Rules | Comments / Description |
9ACW | RULES | Croatian CW Contest. CW only; 3rd full weekend in December |
AGCW | RULES | AGCW Happy New Year. Happy New Year |
ALLASIACW | RULES | All Asian DX contest CW. CW – Third Saturday of June (48 hours) |
ALLASIASSB | RULES | All Asian DX contest SSB. SSB – First Saturday of September (48 hours) |
APSCW | RULES | Asia-Pacific Sprint Contest CW. In Spring. Summer. Fall (2 hours) |
APSSSB | RULES | Asia-Pacific Sprint Contest SSB. In Spring. Summer. Fall (2 hours) |
ARCI | RULES | ARCI QRP Contests. This contest supports 7 ARCI QRP contests plus several other QRP contests with similar exchanges |
ARCI | RULES | Michigan QRP Contest. This contest supports 4 Michigan QRP contests. Select ARCI contest (same rules) |
ARIDX | RULES | Italian Radio International DX Contest. Per version 4.0.63 |
ARRL10M | RULES | ARRL 10 Meter contest. – |
ARRL160 | RULES | ARRL 160-meter contest. – |
ARRLDXCW | RULES | ARRL International DX contest CW. – |
ARRLDXSSB | RULES | ARRL International DX contest Phone |
ARRL-SCR | RULES | ARRL School Club Roundup. 5-day events in mid-February and mid-October |
ASRUCHAMP | RULES | Asiatic Russia Championship. January. 6 hours. 160-40 meters. SSB/CW |
BALTIC | RULES | Lithuation Radio Sports Federation contest. Every year the next to last weekend in May – one week before WPX CW Contest |
BFRRCW | n/a | Belarus (only) CW Championship. For Belarus stations only |
BFRRSSB | n/a | Belarus (only) SSB Championship. For Belarus stations only |
BSCI | RULES | Black Sea Cup International. First full weekend in February |
CNCW | RULES | CNCW Spanish contest. Local Spanish CW contest |
CQ160CW | RULES | CQ World-Wide 160 Meter DX Contest – CW |
CQ160SSB | RULES | CQ World-Wide 160 Meter DX Contest – Phone |
CQM | RULES | CQ-M International DX contest. Second weekend of May |
CQMMDX | RULES | CQMM DX Contest. International Manchester Mineira contest by CWJF – 3rd full weekend of April |
CQSASSB | n/a | CQ South America SSB Contest (inactive). South America. Second full weekend in October |
CQWPXCW | RULES | CQ World Wide WPX contest – CW |
CQWPXSSB | RULES | CQ World Wide WPX contest – Phone |
CQWWCW | RULES | CQ World Wide DX contest – CW. CW – Last full weekend of November (48 hours) |
CQWWSSB | RULES | CQ World Wide DX contest – SSB. SSB – Last full weekend of October (48 hours) |
CWOPS | RULES | CWops Mini-CWT Test. Several 1-hour contests each week |
CWOPSOPEN | RULES | CWops CW Open. in late August or early September |
DARC10M | RULES | German Amateur Radio Club. DARC 10 meter contest. 2nd full weekend in January |
DIGCW | RULES | German Amateur Radio Club. CW: Second weekend in April. Also for short contests in June and October |
DIGSSB | RULES | German Amateur Radio Club. SSB: Second weekend in March. also for short contests in June and October |
DZCUP | RULES | Russian UA1DZ Memorial Cup. For English text select on top Translate to English |
ECLIPSE | RULES | Solar Eclipse QSO Party (2017, 2023, 2024). Includes digital modes as well as CW, SSB |
EQSO | n/a | Elecraft QSO Party (inactive). Despite the name. handled as a separate contest |
EUAS-CHAMP | RULES | EurAsia Contest. EurAsia HamRadio Championship Contest |
EUHFC | RULES | European (only) HF Championship. EU -to- EU station contacts. First Saturday in August (12:00 – 23:59 UTC) |
EUSCW | n/a | European Sprint (inactive). In April and October. both modes. 4 hours |
EUSSSB | n/a | European Sprint (inactive). In April and October. both modes. 4 hours |
FD | RULES | ARRL Field Day contest. See ARRL Field Day Setup instructions. |
FDGOTA | RULES | ARRL Field Day GOTA station log. See FDGOTA setup instructions |
FDREG1 | n/a | International Amateur Radio Union. Varying rules for Belgium. Germany. United Kingdom (SSB and CW). Netherlands. Switzerland. Ireland (only CW). Italy. Slovenia (S5) and Russia (UA. UA2. UA9) |
FOCBWQP | RULES | First Class Operators Club QSO Party. First Class Operators Club (FOC) QSO Party |
FOCCW | RULES | First Class Operators Club Marathon. First Class Operators Club (FOC) Marathon. First full weekend in February |
GACW | RULES | GACW WW South America CW DX contest. Second weekend in June. CW only |
GCUP | RULES | Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest. April; CW. HF plus satellites |
HADX | RULES | Hungarian Amateur Radio DX contest. 3rd full weekend in January |
HELVETIA | RULES | Helvetia Contest |
HOLYLAND | RULES | Holyland contest |
HSCCW | RULES | High Speed CW Contest -HSC CW |
IARU | RULES | International Amateur Radio Union HF Contest. International Amateur Radio Union – The second full weekend of July |
IOTA | RULES | RSGB Islands On The Air Contest |
JADOMESTIC | n/a | Japan (only) domestic contest. Generic support for Japanese domestic contests |
JIDXCW | RULES | Japan International DX Contest. CW: 2nd full weekend of April Sat. 0700 UTC – Sun. 1300 UTC |
JIDXSSB | RULES | Japan International DX Contest. SSB: 2nd full weekend of November Sat. 0700 UTC – Sun. 1300 UTC |
JTDX | n/a | Mongolian DX Contest. Third weekend in November. CW or SSB (inactive) |
KINGEACW | RULES | King of Spain contest – CW |
KINGEASSB | RULES | King of Spain contest – SSB |
LOTWCW | n/a | Logbook Of The World contest – CW (inactive) |
LOTWSSB | n/a | Logbook Of The World contest – SSB (inactive) |
LZDX | RULES | Bulgarian Federation DX contest. The weekend before the last full weekend of November (weekend before CQWW CW) |
LZOPEN | n/a | Bulgarian Federation Open and LZ Sprint contests. For all three contests. LZ Open and both sprint contests (40/80 meter) |
MINITESTCW | RULES | Minitest CW Test. CW:Almost every Wednesday 1800-1900Z |
NAQPCW | RULES | North American QSO Parties – CW. CW: Second full weekend in January. First full weekend in August |
NAQPSSB | RULES | North American QSO Parties – SSB. SSB: Third full weekend in January. Third full weekend in August |
NAVAL | RULES | International Naval Contest |
NRAUCW | RULES | Nordic Radio Amateur Union-Baltic contest – CW. 2nd full weekend in January |
NRAUSSB | RULES | Nordic Radio Amateur Union-Baltic contest – SSB. 2nd full weekend in January |
NRRLVINTER | RULES | Norwegian RRL Winter Contest. March. Rules in Norwegian |
OCEANIACW | RULES | Oceania contest – CW. CW: Second weekend in October |
OCEANIASSB | RULES | Oceania contest – SSB. SSB: First weekend in October |
OKOMDX | RULES | Czech and Slovak Republics DX contest (CW version only). Second full weekend in November The OK/OM DX SSB contest in April now has the same rules. See the UDC_OKOMDXSSB contest type in the list of UDC contests. |
PABEKERCW | RULES | Netherlands – PA-beker – CW. Second full weekend in November Local Dutch CW and SSB contest |
PABEKERSSB | RULES | Netherlands – PA-beker – SSB. Second full weekend in November Local Dutch CW and SSB contest |
PACC | RULES | Netherlands – PACC contest. First full weekend of February |
PORTUGAL | RULES | Portugal Day Contest. Second Saturday of June |
QCWAQSO | RULES | Quarter Century Wireless Association – QCWA QSO Party. Despite the name. treated as a separate contest |
RAC | RULES | RAC Canada Day Contest / RAC Canada Winter Contest. Both contests have the same rules |
RAEM | RULES | Russian Amateur Radio Union – RAEM Contest (E.T.Krenkel contest). Fourth full weekend of December |
RCCCUP | RULES | Russian Contest Club Cup. First weekend in May |
RDAC | RULES | Russian District Award Contest |
REFCW | RULES | French REF DX contest. CW: last weekend of January |
REFSSB | RULES | French REF DX contest. SSB: last weekend of February |
RFCCW | RULES | Cup of the Russian Federation – CW. Internal Russian contest in January – see also RTTY version below |
RFCHAMP | RULES | Russion Federation (only) RF Championship. For English text select on top Translate to English |
RFCSSB | RULES | Cup of the Russian Federation – SSB. Internal Russian contest in January – see also RTTY version below |
ROPOCO | RULES | RSGB ROPOCO. Now ROLO(cator) RSGB contest |
RRCW | RULES | ARRL Rookie Roundup – CW. SSB in April. RTTY in August. CW in December |
RRSSB | RULES | ARRL Rookie Roundup – SSB. SSB in April. RTTY in August. CW in December |
RRTC | RULES | Russian Radiosport Team Championship. Third Saturday in July |
RRTCT | RULES | Russian Radiosport Team Championship. Third Saturday in July |
RSGB160CW | RULES | RSGB 160 Meter CW contests. CW only. In RSGB1st160CW in February and RSGB2nd160CW in November |
RSGB2128 | n/a | RSGB 21/28 MHz contest (inactive) |
RSGB80MCC | RULES | RSGB 80 Meter Club Championship |
RSGBAFS-C | RULES | RSGB Affiliated Societies Contests – CW |
RSGBAFS-S | RULES | RSGB Affiliated Societies Contests – SSB |
RSGBBERU | RULES | RSGB Commonwealth Contest. British Commonwealth stations only |
RSGBCLUB | RULES | RSGB Club Calls contest |
RSGBDX | RULES | RSGB DX contest |
RSGBLP | RULES | RSGB Low Power Contest |
RUSYLOM | RULES | Russian YL/OM contest. in Russian |
SACCW | RULES | Scandinavian Activity Contest – SAC – CW. Scandinavian Activity Contest |
SACSSB | RULES | Scandinavian Activity Contest – SAC – SSB. Scandinavian Activity Contest |
SAMOVAR | RULES | Samovar CW Contest – 3rd full weekend of April |
SPDX | RULES | Polish Amateur Radio – SP DX contest. First full weekend of April (15:00-15:00 GMT) |
SPRINTCW | RULES | North American Sprint – CW. CW: First Sunday in February. Sunday following first Monday in September |
SPRINTLADD | RULES | NS Sprint and Sprint Ladder. Northern CA Contest Club. Both contests are weekly. CW only. see setup |
SPRINTNS | RULES | NS Sprint and Sprint Ladder. Northern CA Contest Club. Both contests are weekly. CW only. see setup |
SPRINTSSB | RULES | North American Sprint – SSB. SSB: Sunday of first full weekend in February. Second Sunday following first Monday in September |
SSCW | RULES | ARRL November Sweepstakes CW |
SSSSB | RULES | ARRL November Sweepstakes SSB |
STEWPERRY | RULES | Stew Perry Topband Distance Challenge. Last full weekend of December |
SYLRA | RULES | Scandinavian YL – SYLRA contest |
TRCDX | RULES | Bulgaria. Thracian Rose Club – TRC DX Contest |
UBACW | RULES | Belgium Amateur Radio – UBA DX Contest – CWSB. SSB: last weekend of January CW: last weekend of February |
UBAON | RULES | Belgium Amateur Radio – UBA ON contest. Last Sunday September: 6 m Phone/CW First Sunday October: HF – 80 m SSB Second Sunday October: HF – 80 m CW Third Sunday October: 2 m Phone/CW |
UBASPRING | RULES | Belgium Amateur Radio – UBA Spring. Second Sunday March: HF – 80m CW Third Sunday March: VHF-6m Phone/CW Fourth Sunday March: VHF-2m Phone/CW First Sunday April: HF – 80m SSB |
UBASSB | RULES | Belgium Amateur Radio – UBA DX Contest CW/SSB. SSB: last weekend of January CW: last weekend of February |
UBAWINTER | RULES | Belgium Amateur Radio – UBA Low Band Winter Contest. 160. 80 and 40 meters |
UKEIDXCW | RULES | United Kingdom and Ireland -UK / EI DX – CW |
UKEIDXSSB | RULES | United Kingdom and Ireland -UK / EI DX – SSB |
UKRAINDX | RULES | Ukrainian DX contest. First full weekend of November |
UKRCHCW | n/a | Ukrainian Championship – CW |
UKRCHSSB | n/a | Ukrainian Championship – SSB |
UNDX | RULES | Kazakhstan Federation of Radiosport – UN DX contest. Open Kazakhstan Championship |
WAECW | RULES | Worked All Europe DX Contest – CW. |
WAESSB | RULES | Worked All Europe DX Contest – SSB. |
WAG | RULES | Worked All Germany contest. October. third full weekend |
WFD | RULES | Winter Field Day |
WRTC | RULES | World Radiosport Team Championship. for on-site participants in World Radiosport Team Championship held every 4 years – others use IARU |
WWPMC | RULES | World Wide Peace Messenger Contest. 1200UTC Saturday to 1200 UTC Sunday. every second weekend of January |
XMAS | RULES | German Amateur Radio Club. DARC Weihnachtswettbewerb – XMAS contest |
YOHFDX | RULES | Romanian HF DX contest, end of August |
YV | RULES | Independence of Venezuela Contest. First full weekend in July |
QSO Parties
Name Setup Link | Sponsor Rules | Comments / Description |
QSOP_7QP | RULES | 7th Call Area – 7QP. For 7-area stations only. Others use the IN7QPNE QSO Party contest |
QSOP_AK | n/a | Alaska – AK (inactive) |
QSOP_AL | RULES | Alabama – AL |
QSOP_AR | RULES | Arkansas – AR |
QSOP_AZ | RULES | Arizona – AZ |
QSOP_BC | RULES | British Columbia – BC |
QSOP_CA | RULES | California – CA |
QSOP_CO | RULES | Colorado – CO |
QSOP_CT | n/a | Connecticut – CT. Inactive. See New England Contest NEWE |
QSOP_DE | RULES | Delaware – DE. For Delaware in-state stations only. Others use the IN7QPNE QSO Party contest |
QSOP_GA | RULES | Georgia – GA |
QSOP_HI | RULES | Hawaii – HI |
QSOP_IA | RULES | Iowa – IA |
QSOP_ID | RULES | Idaho – ID |
QSOP_IL | RULES | Illinois – IL |
QSOP_IN | RULES | Indiana – IN. For Indiana in-state stations only. Others use the IN7QPNE QSO Party contest |
QSOP_IN7QPE | n/a | Combined multi-state QSO Party contest. See 7QP, DE, IN and NEWE for rules for each individual contest. |
QSOP_KS | RULES | Kansas – KS |
QSOP_KY | RULES | Kentucky – KY |
QSOP_LA | RULES | Louisiana – LA |
QSOP_MARAC_ | RULES | MARAC County Hunters Contest |
QSOP_MCC | n/a | Maritime QSO Party – MCC (inactive) |
QSOP_MD | RULES | Maryland DC – MD |
QSOP_MI | RULES | Michigan – MI |
QSOP_MN | RULES | Minnesota – MN |
QSOP_MO | RULES | Missouri – MO |
QSOP_MT | n/a | Montana – MT (inactive) |
QSOP_NC | RULES | North Carolina – NC |
QSOP_ND | RULES | North Dakota – ND |
QSOP_NE | RULES | Nebraska – NE |
QSOP_NEWE | RULES | New England – NEWE. For New England stations only; Others use the IN7QPNE QSO Party contest |
QSOP_NH | RULES | New Hampshire – NH |
QSOP_NJ | RULES | New Jersey – NJ |
QSOP_NM | RULES | New Mexico – NM |
QSOP_NV | RULES | Nevada – NV |
QSOP_NY | RULES | New York – NY |
QSOP_OH | RULES | Ohio – OH |
QSOP_OK | RULES | Oklahoma – OK |
QSOP_ON | RULES | Ontario – ON. Bonus points for county activation by rovers/mobiles are not calculated. |
QSOP_OR | n/a | Oregon – OR (inactive – replaced by 7QP) |
QSOP_PA | RULES | Pennsylvania – PA |
QSOP_SC | RULES | South Carolina – SC |
QSOP_SD | RULES | South Dakota – SD |
QSOP_TN | RULES | Tennessee – TN |
QSOP_TX | RULES | Texas – TX |
QSOP_VA | RULES | Virginia – VA |
QSOP_VT | RULES | Vermont – VT |
QSOP_WA | RULES | Washington Salmon Run – WA |
QSOP_WI | RULES | Wisconsin – WI. The 1.5 power multiplier is not supported. The score is stored as an integer. |
QSOP_WV | RULES | West Virginia – WV |
UHF / VHF Contests
Name Setup Link | Sponsor Rules | Comments / Description |
ARRL10GHz | RULES | ARRL 10 GHz & Up. Over two weekends. in August and September. See setup |
ARRL222 | RULES | ARRL222. ARRL UHF August – ARRL 222 and Up |
ARRLVHFJAN | RULES | ARRL January VHF Sweepstakes. ARRL_January_VHF_Sweepstakes |
ARRLVHFSEP | RULES | ARRL September VHF QSO Party. ARRL_September_VHF_QSO_Party |
CQWWVHF | RULES | CQ World Wide VHF Contest. July – 50 MHz and 144 MHz only |
DDFM50 | RULES | French Amateur Radio. REF Departments contest 50 MHz |
REGIOVHF | RULES | VRZA – Nederlandse Locator Contest. WANLC – Dutch contest. every month NB selecteer: REGIOVHF |
UKSMG | RULES | UKSMG sporadic-E competition. |
VHFDZCUP | RULES | VHF UA1DZ Cup. Russian VHF contest |
VHFHELV26 | RULES | VHF/UHF Helvetia 26 contest. Swiss VHF and up contest |
VHFHGOB | RULES | VHF HG OB contest. Hungarian VHF contest |
VHFNAC | RULES | Nordic Amateur Radio. NRAU Activity Contest |
VHFREG1 | RULES | IARU Region 1 50 MHz contest. Only 50 MHz – June |
VHFREG1 | RULES | IARU Region 1 144 MHz September. Only 144 MHz – September |
VHFREG1 | RULES | IARU Region 1 UHF/Microwaves October. UHF and Microwaves – October |
VHFREG1 | n/a | Other Region 1 VHF and up contests. VHF and up – March. May. July |
VHFREG1 | RULES | Marconi Memorial VHF CW contest 144 MHz / 50 MHz. November |
Digital, RTTY, and PSK Contests
Name Setup Link | Sponsor Rules | Comments / Description |
FTROUNDUP | RULES | FT Roundup (formerly 10 Meter RTTY Contest (AA5AU / W0YK)). First full weekend of December (contest rules same as ARRL RTTY Roundup) |
ANATOLRTTY | n/a | Anatolian RTTY contest (discontinued). Third full weekend in May |
ARRLIDC | RULES | ARRL International Digital Contest (June). First full weekend in June. All digital modes except for RTTY. |
ARRLRTTY | RULES | ARRL RTTY Roundup (January). First full weekend of January (not on January 1) |
BAR75RTTYS | RULES | BARTG Sprint75 contest (April. 75 baud RTTY. April. September (4 hours each) |
BARTGRTTYS | RULES | BARTG RTTY Sprint contest (January). Fourth full weekend of January |
BARTGSRTTY | RULES | BARTG HF RTTY contest (formerly Spring RTTY Contest). Third full weekend in March |
CISDXRTTY | n/a | CIS DX RTTY contest (discontinued). QPSK63 in 2009/2010. Third full weekend of September |
CQWPXRTTY | RULES | CQ World Wide WPX – RTTY. Second full weekend of February |
CQWWRTTY | RULES | CQ World Wide DX – RTTY. Last full weekend of September (48 hours) |
DARCRTTY | RULES | DARC RTTY Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct. use XMAS Module |
DLDXRTTY | RULES | German DL-DX RTTY contest. First full weekend of July |
DMCRTTY | n/a | Digital Modes Club Contest (discontinued). Third full weekend of July |
DRCGWWRTTY | RULES | German WW RTTY contest |
EAPSK | RULES | Spanish Radio Union. EA PSK63 contest. Second full weekend of March |
EARTTY | RULES | Spanish Radio Union. EA RTTY contest. First full weekend of April |
EPCPSK63QP | n/a | EPC PSK63 QSO party (discontinued). PSK63. Third full weekend of November |
EPCRUDX | n/a | EPC RU DX Contest (discontinued). March BPSK63 |
EPCWWDX | n/a | EPC PSK World Wide DX (discontinued). PSK63. First weekend in February |
EUPSKDX | RULES | European PSK DX contest. PSK63. Third full weekend of May |
FTROUNDUP | RULES | FT Roundup contest. (formerly 10 Meter RTTY) |
JARTSWWRTY | RULES | Japan Amateur Radio Telegraphy. Third full weekend in October |
JTDXRTTY | n/a | Mongolian RTTY (discontinued). Second full weekend in January |
LOTWRTTY | n/a | LOTW RTTY contest. Contest discontinued. |
MAKRORTTY | RULES | Makrothen RTTY contest. Second full weekend in October |
NAQPRTTY | RULES | North American QSO Parties (NAQP) – RTTY. Last full weekend in February. Third full weekend in August |
OKDXRTTY | RULES | Czech Amateur Radio. OK DX RTTY contest. Third full weekend in December |
RFCDIGI | RULES | Russian Federation Digital contest (SRR DIGI CUP). Second weekend of September |
RRRTTY | RULES | ARRL Rookie Roundup RTTY (April. Third Sunday of August |
RUCUPRTTY | RULES | Do not use – use RFCDIGI instead. |
RUSDXRTTY | RULES | Russian WW RTTY contest. RTTY. First Saturday of September |
RUS-WW-DIG | RULES | Russian WW Digital. First weekend in October |
RUS-WW-MM | RULES | Russian WW MultiMode. Dates variable. |
RUS-WW-PSK | RULES | Russian WW PSK Contest. Russian WorldWide PSK. Third weekend in February |
SARTGNYRTY | RULES | Scandinavian Amateur Radio. SARTG New Year RTTY. January 1st |
SARTGRTTY | RULES | Quick PSK63 contest. PSK63. Uses SARTG rules. First Saturday of September |
SARTGRTTY | RULES | Scandinavian Amateur Radio. SARTG WW RTTY. Third weekend in August |
SCCRTTY | n/a | Slovenia Contest Club SCC RTTY Championship. (discontinued – replaced by WW-DIGI FT4/8 Contest). (Use for RYOPSWW) Last full weekend in August |
SPDXRTTY | RULES | Polish Amateur Radio. SP DX RTTY contest. 4th full weekend of April |
SPRINTRTTY | RULES | North American Sprint – RTTY. Sunday of second full weekend in March. Sunday of second full weekend in October |
TARAGRID | n/a | TARA Grid Dip contest (discontinued). RTTY and PSK. First Saturday of August |
TARAPSK | n/a | TARA PSK Rumble (discontinued). PSK31. First Saturday of October |
TARAPSK | n/a | TARA Skirmish (discontinued). Digital. Third Saturday of April |
TARARTTY | n/a | TARA RTTY Melee (discontinued). RTTY. First Saturday of December |
UKDXRTTY | n/a | United Kingdom DX Contest – RTTY (discontinued). Second full weekend of July |
UKRAINDIGI | RULES | Ukrainian DX DIGI contest. RTTY 75 baud and PSK63. Fourth full weekend of June |
UKRAINDX | RULES | Ukrainian DX Classic RTTY contest. DX Classic RTTY. Third weekend of June |
UKRAINRTTY | RULES | Ukrainian DX Classic RTTY contest. DX Classic RTTY. Third weekend of June |
UKRCHRTTY | n/a | Ukrainian RTTY Championship. FOR UKRAINIAN STATION ONLY. Third weekend of April |
UKRTTYOPEN | RULES | Ukrainian Open RTTY Championship. First full weekend of March |
VOLTARTTY | RULES | Volta RTTY contest. Second full weekend in May |
WAERTTY | RULES | Worked All Europe. Second full weekend in November |
WWDIGI | RULES | WW Digi FT8/FT4 Contest. Last full weekend in August. |
XERTTY | RULES | XE RTTY (FMRE) Contest. First full weekend in February. |
UDC – User Defined Contests
My Contest Isn’t Here. What Can I Do?
If the contest is not currently supported by the program there are four options:
- Use the ‘User Defined Contest Editor’ to create a new contest template.
- This capability is under continuous development and may undergo further change. See the User Defined Contest Editor section.
- Find another contest with a similar exchange and similar rules. If the only difference is in the scoring, you can run the contest and create the Cabrillo file, then edit the Cabrillo file to change the contest name. You can either score the contest manually after the contest, or enter a claimed score of zero and let the contest sponsor calculate the multipliers and points
- Use a ‘general’ contest like DXSERIAL, DX, etc. Run the contest and do the log creation after the contest using Notepad or a similar text editor. When Cabrillo is the requested log format, create the Cabrillo log and update the header. The contest sponsor will calculate the multipliers and points. This is the easy way to go for many small, mostly local, contests
- Submit a Feature Request for the contest to become a supported contest
- Whenever someone requests support for a particular contest, it would be good to have an indication of the number of entries the contest received during the previous year’s running. This is not to suggest that there is a threshold below which contests will not be supported, but that knowing this is helpful in prioritizing for the people who do the work. In the past we have had requests to support contests that had fewer than 10 entries the previous year
- Since the programmers do not have unlimited time to respond to last-minute requests, set yourself a target date (for example, a minimum of three months prior to the next running of the contest) to allow time for programming and proper testing
- It is part of the nature of the N1MM Logger+ project that users, and particularly those users requesting support for a particular contest, are the people who are relied upon to test and be sure the contest module does what it is supposed to do. It is particularly important to test far enough in advance of the running of a contest so that any problems can be identified and fixed. Users will do well to check each contest as it is coming up, to make sure that any rule changes are reported to the programmers in time for changes to be made.
If you identify bugs or propose contest-specific features during the running of a contest, don’t expect an immediate response. Contest-specific things are on a calendar to be addressed before the next running. Of course, defects in Cabrillo output are an exception, since they need to be fixed in time for score submission and can be done in the weeks after the contest.
Name Setup Link | Sponsor Rules | Comments / Description |
UDC_070TPRTTY | RULES | PODXS Triple Play Low Band Sprint. |
UDC_070VSRTTY | RULES | PODXS Valentine Sprint Contest. |
UDC_13COLONIES | RULES | 13 Colonies Event. 1-7 July For ‘Hunters’ – SESs use DX Module |
UDC_1WATTGAME_VHF | RULES | The 1 Watt Game. (Ignore ‘VHF’) Last Sunday March. |
UDC_1MAY_AGCW | RULES | Activity Group CW QRP-QRP Party. 1st May |
UDC_4SQRP | RULES | 4 States QRP Group SSS. 2nd Sun every month. |
UDC_6M_WMRTTY | RULES | UKSMG Winter Marathon. |
UDC_A1AWT | RULES | A1 Club Weekly Test. |
UDC_ACHAMPCW | RULES | Asian Russia Champion. Third Saturday of January |
UDC_AGB | RULES | Activity Group of Belarus Contests. |
UDC_ALARA | RULES | Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Assc Contest last weekend August |
UDC_AMRALLY | RULES | AM Rally. First Sat. February |
UDC_ARCK_MORSE | RULES | ARCK Morse Sings. 3rd Weekend January |
UDC_LU7MC | RULES | Argentina 4OM Contest. 2nd Sat October. |
UDC_ARI_BASFER | n/a | ARI BASSO FERRARESE Contest. 3rd Weekend December |
UDC_ARI_EME | RULES | ARI EME 2nd Weekend April, Last Weekend Sept |
UDC_ARIRTTY | RULES | Amateur Radio Italy 80/40m. Italian internal. 2nd weekend Dec. |
UDC_ARKTIKAPR | RULES | Arktika Polar Radioman. |
UDC_ARRL_VOTA | RULES | ARRL Volunteers On The Air. All 2023 |
UDC_ARRRTTY | RULES | ARR-Portugese PSK63. 3rd Weekend June |
UDC_AUTUMN SPRINT | n/a | Michurinsk Contest Group Autumn Sprint. 2nd Friday in October |
UDC_BATAVIA_FT8 | RULES | Batavia FT8 Contest. First Weekend in August |
UDC_BB_ITALIA | RULES | Bande Basse Italia Contest. Italian internal. 2nd Weekend January |
UDC_BCC_MSC | RULES | Bavarian Contest Club – Meteor Scatter Contest. |
UDC_BCCPARTY | RULES | Bavarian Contest Club QSO Party |
UDC_BDMWWRTTY | n/a | Belgian Data Modes WW Contest. |
UDC_BELGO_RTTY | RULES | Belgorod Open Championship. |
UDC_BRAILEICUP | RULES | Brailei Cup Contest. 4th Monday May |
UDC_BRAZ_IRTTY | n/a | Brazil Independance Day Contest. |
UDC_BUCURESTI | RULES | Bucharest-HF-Contest. |
UDC_BY_WAPC_BY | RULES | Worked All China Provinces. – Chinese stations 3rd Weekend April |
UDC_BY_WAPC_DX | RULES | Worked All China Provinces – Non-Chinese stations |
UDC_CAVTEST | RULES | OK/OM CAV Contest. Every 28th September. |
UDC_CAHF | n/a | Campeonato Argentino de HF |
UDC_CARPATHIAN | RULES | Carpathian Sprint Contest. Every last Thursday each quarter. |
UDC_CBJ | RULES | Contest Battle of Jenipapo. Last Weekend April |
UDC_CBNRBRASIL | RULES | Battle of Riachuelo Contest |
UDC_CE_WPX | RULES | CHILE-WPX Contest. 3rd Weekend in September |
UDC_CHER-CUP | RULES | Chernozem Region Open Cup. Last Friday in December |
UDC_COMMENT | n/a | Comment, a UDC sample |
UDC_CQWE | RULES | CQ Western Electric Contest 2nd Weekend November |
UDC_CQWS | RULES | CQ World Scouts. 2nd Saturday April. |
UDC_CUCALAMBE | n/a | Cuban District Contest. CUCALAMBE |
UDC_CWOPS10 | RULES | CWOPS 10th Anniversary. |
UDC_DARC_EASTER | RULES | Deutschland Easter Contest. |
UDC_DARC_FT4 | RULES | DARC FT4 Contest. 2nd Tues Feb. May, Aug. Nov. |
UDC_DARC-HSW | RULES | DARC HSW Contest. Last Saturday in August. |
UDC_DARC_X | RULES | DARC Thuringen Contest 3rd Weekend September DARC Ruhr Contest 4th Weekend September |
UDC_DARCFOA | RULES | DARC Funktag on Air. 3rd Weekend April |
UDC_DIG | RULES | DIG QSO Party. SSB – 2nd Weekend March, CW – 2nd Weekend April. |
UDC_DIG_PA | RULES | DIG Club of Nederlands Contest. DIG_PA Contest – 4th Mon March/Sept |
UDC_DL_DTC | RULES | DL – German Telegraphy Contest. held 3rd October |
UDC_DNIEPERTTY | RULES | DNIEPER CUP League of Amateur Radio of Ukraine. 3 rounds/modes 1st Saturday October |
UDC_DOYLS | RULES | The Day of YLs Contest. |
UDC_DU3MY_MEM | RULES | DU3MY Memorial. 3rd Weekend August |
UDC_EACWMeet | RULES | EA CW MEET. Every 2nd Thurs except holidays. |
UDC_EAQRP | RULES | EA QRP Contest. 3rd Weekend April |
UDC_EARSVHF | n/a | 50RS VHF. |
UDC_EASUFF29 | n/a | Spanish Internal Suffixes. Suffixes XXIX National Last Sunday in January |
UDC_EPCFR | RULES | EPC French DX Contest. |
UDC_EPC-UKR-DX | RULES | EPC Ukrainian DX. |
UDC_ESENIN | RULES | ESENIN Russia Contest. 1st Friday in October |
UDC_ES-LL-KV | RULES | Estonion Lyhilaine Karikovoistlused |
UDC_ESOPENHF | RULES | ESTONIAN OPEN HF. 3rd Saturday in April |
UDC_EUCW160 | RULES | EUCW ON5ME-160 Contest. Normally 1st Saturday in January |
UDC_EUCWFP | n/a | EUCW Fraternizing Party. – Discontinued |
UDC_EU_DXC | RULES | EU DX Club Contest. First Weekend February. |
UDC_FELDHELLCLUB | RULES | Feld Hell Club Monthly Sprints and others. |
UDC_FGUP2011 | RULES | FGUP 2011. |
UDC_FINNDOM | RULES | Finland Domestic Events. |
UDC_FIRAC | RULES | FIRAC Contest. 2nd Sunday March and November. |
UDC_FISTSSPR | RULES | Fists Sprints. All Fists Sprints |
UDC_FLSPOTA | RULES | Florida Parks on the Air. |
UDC_FLTOTBBS | RULES | Flight of the Bumblebees. |
UDC_FOC_MDQP | RULES | FOC Memorial Day QSO Party. 1-2 November |
UDC_DFCF | RULES | French National Castle Day. 3rd Sun May |
UDC_DMF | RULES | French National Mills Day. June |
UDC_FRAPR_10M | RULES | FRAPR 10m Contest. Last Weekend July. |
UDC_FRPHF | RULES | Brazilian Farroupilha Contest. |
UDC_G3ZQSMEM | RULES | Fists G3ZQS Memorial Contest – can be used for Fists Sprints |
UDC_GEDEBAGE | RULES | GEDEBAGE Indonesian DX Contest. 1st Friday in December |
UDC_GENERIC | n/a | GENERIC – a UDC Sample. |
UDC_GENERIC2 | n/a | GENERIC2 – a UDC Sample. |
UDC_GRIDCHASE | RULES | ARRL International Grid Chase. |
UDC_HA_NChamp | RULES | Hungarian National Championship. 2nd full weekend January. |
UDC_HA3NS | RULES | HA3NS Memorial Contest. 1st Friday in June |
UDC_HAMCATION | RULES | 2021 HamCation QSO Party. 2nd Weekend February. |
UDC_HAMVENT_QP | n/a | Hamvention QSO Party, May 16 2020 (HVQP) |
UDC_HARCQSOP | RULES | Halifax Amateur Radio Club 90th anniversary QSO Party. |
UDC_HESSENCONTEST | RULES | Hessen Contest. 3rd Weekend May |
UDC_HINA33RTTY | RULES | Japan Ladies Radio Society – Hina 33 Contest. JLRS Hina 33 Contest held on 2nd March. (Can be used for JLRS Party, see UBAPSK63-Read-Me for starting with high Serial Nr.) |
UDC_HPM150 | RULES | Hiram Percy Maxim 150th Birthday. August 31 – September 8. 2019 |
UDC_ICWC_MST | RULES | International CW Council Medium Speed Test. Every Monday 1300-1400Z and 1900-2000Z Every Tuesday: 0300-0400Z |
UDC_IG_WW_RTTY | RULES | Interest Group RTTY Contest 2nd Full weekend April |
UDC_ILLW-2010 | RULES | International Lighthouse Week 2010. |
UDC_INDEXAQSOP | RULES | INDEXA Worldwide QSO Party. First Saturday Sept. |
UDC_IPA_RC | RULES | International Police Association Radio Club Contest. First Weekend November |
UDC_IRTS80M | RULES | Irish Radio Transmitters Society 80M. IRTS80M See Website |
UDC_IRTSCQIR | RULES | Irish Radio Transmitters Society CQIR. See Evening Counties Rules |
UDC_IOC | RULES | Istra Open Contest. 3rd Sunday May |
UDC_JAKARTA | n/a | Indonesian Jakarta DX 40M DX Contest |
UDC_JOTA-JOTI | RULES | Jamboree On The Air. 2nd Weekend Oct. |
UDC_JLRSPARTY | RULES | JLRS Party Contest. Last weekend Sept/1st weekend Oct. |
UDC_JWFD | RULES | Jock White Memorial Field Day. Last full weekend in February |
UDC_K1USNSST | RULES | K1USN CW Slow Speed (con)Test |
UDC_K1USNSSTOP | RULES | K1USN CW Slow Speed (con)Test Open. 2nd Friday Sept. |
UDC_KANAGAWA | n/a | Kanagawa. |
UDC_KANHAM | RULES | Kanham Contest. 1st Weekend June. Read the rules. |
UDC_KCJ | RULES | Keymens Club of Japan. KCJ (outdated) |
UDC_KCJ_DX | RULES | Keymens Club of Japan DX Stations. 3rd Weekend August |
UDC_KCJ_JA | RULES | Keymens Club of Japan JA Stations. |
UDC_KCJ_TB_DX | RULES | Keymens Club of Japan Top Band Contest. 2nd Weekend February. |
UDC_KOMI_RUHR | RULES | Komi Ruhr Qso Party. SEE the rules. 2nd Saturday October. |
UDC_KTKUP | RULES | KT Serbian Cup. |
UDC_KTSCWC | RULES | Serbian CW Club Short Wave Contest |
UDC_LABRE_DX | RULES | Labre DX Contest. 3rd Weekend July |
UDC_MK_PARTY | RULES | Latvian Mechanical Key Party. Held Feb, May, Oct and Dec |
UDC_LCL-2010 | n/a | Lighthouse Christmas Lights 2010. |
UDC_LSL2010 | RULES | Lighthouse Spring Lites 2010. |
UDC_LYCUP | RULES | Lithuanian Cup Contest 3rd Saturday in June. |
UDC_LOANO_MCD | RULES | Replaced with Marconiqpd. |
UDC_LYWAL | RULES | Lithuanian WAL Contest . 1st Saturday in June |
UDC_MA-CHAMP | RULES | Moscow-Championship. |
UDC_MARCONIQPD | N/A | Marconi Club QSO Party Day. 1st Sat. January. |
UDC_MARCONIMEM | RULES | Marconi Memorial Contest. 1st Wkend July |
UDC_MLOTA | RULES | Masonic Lodges On The Air. September |
UDC_MEMORY | RULES | Memory Lives Forever Contest. 3rd Weekend December. |
UDC_MM | RULES | Maidenhead Mayhem. 4th weekend March/3rd Sat July |
UDC_MRAI | RULES | Memorial DL6RAI. 3rd Weekend May |
UDC_MULANDXC | RULES | MULAN WAP- variation of Worked All China Provences. New version – |
UDC_MVP_UKW | RULES | DL Mecklenburg Vorpommern Contest. 3rd Saturday March |
UDC_NAQCC | RULES | North American QRP CW Club Sprints. 15 sessions through the year |
UDC_NAURYZDX | n/a | NAURYZ Central Asia Spring Holiday . Nearest Saturday to the holiday |
UDC_NCCC_FT4 | RULES | NCCC FT4 Sprint. Thursday |
UDC_NDGBRASIL | n/a | Natal Digital Group PSK125 . Natal Digital Group DIGITAL Contest. |
UDC_NRLC | n/a | NRL Cup Russian Internal Contest. |
UDC_NTC_JAN_AP | RULES | NTC Anniversary Party. 31st January. |
UDC_NTC_QP | RULES | NTC Qso Party. Every third Thursday. |
UDC_NZ_SSC | RULES | NZ Sangster Shield Contest |
UDC_NZART | RULES | New Zealand Amateur Radio Tx WWll Memorial. 80M. NZ_VHFRTTY.udc for VHF-EHF |
UDC_OBLAST | n/a | Russian OBLAST Contest. |
UDC_OH-PARKS | RULES | OHIO State Parks. |
UDC_OK1WC | RULES | OK1WC Memorial Contest. |
UDC_OKOMDXSSB | RULES | OKOM DX SSB Contest (Note: rules are now the same for CW event.) |
UDC_OLDNEWYEAR | RULES | Old New Year Contest. |
UDC_OSTM-QP | RULES | Open Season Ten Meter Qso Party. 1st Thur Jun 48hrs |
UDC_OQRP | RULES | Original QRP. |
UDC_OZACTIV | n/a | OZ ACTIV Contest. |
UDC_OZ-EDR_JUL-NYT | n/a | OZ-EDR_JUL NYT Contest. July Contest |
UDC_PADANG_DX | n/a | Indonesian Padang DX Contest. |
UDC_POTA | RULES | Parks On The Air |
UDC_PARL | n/a | Spanish Provinces PARLA. |
UDC_PCC | RULES | Pro CW/DIGI Contests (PCC). |
UDC_PGATEST-DX | RULES | Polish PGA Contest – DX Stations. |
UDC_PGATEST-SP | RULES | Polish PGA Contest – SP Stations. |
UDC_PN_QUICKCW | n/a | PN QUICK CW Contest. |
UDC_PND | RULES | Portuguese Navy Day Contest. |
UDC_PODXS_TDW | RULES | PODXS Three Day Weekend Contest. |
UDC_PODXS2RTTY | RULES | PODXS 070 St. Patrick’s Day Contest. |
UDC_POP_YTHCUP | RULES | Popov Youth Cup Contest. |
UDC_POPOVMEMOR | RULES | Popov Memorial. |
UDC_PRIMOR_HFC | RULES | Primorsky HF Contest. |
UDC_PW_144_70 | RULES | Practical Wireless 144 and 70Mhz. |
UDC_QO-100 | RULES | QO-100 Every Saturday. |
UDC_QRP-AFIELD | RULES | QRP-AFIELD Contest. 3rd Saturday September |
UDC_R3A_CDRTTY | RULES | R3A Cup Digi Contest. |
UDC_R3L_HF_CUP | RULES | R3L – Smolensk HF Cup |
UDC_R4W-CHAMP | RULES | R4W (Udmurtia. Russia) Open Championship |
UDC_R6U-CHAMP | RULES | Championship of Astrahan oblast. |
UDC_R9S-CHAMP | RULES | R9S Champ. Orenburg Downy Shawl Contest. 2nd Friday February. |
UDC_SPRINTRCRM | n/a | Radio Club Region Murcia Sprint |
UDC_RCA_TQP | RULES | Radio Club of America Transatlantic QSO Party. 13th November |
UDC_RCWC_RPX | RULES | Russian CW Club RPX Contest. 2nd Weekend September |
UDC_RCWC4 | RULES | Russian CW Club 4 Seasons. |
UDC_RCWCMINI | RULES | Russian CW Club MiniTest. |
UDC_RAHULL_VHF | RULES | Ross A Hull Memorial. All January |
UDC_RSGB_40QP | RULES | RSGB 40m QSO Party. RSGB 40m QSO Party (inactive) |
UDC_RSGB_FT4 | RULES | RSGB FT4 Contest Series. |
UDC_RSGBFT4IAD | RULES | RSGB FT4 International Activity Day. 1st Saturday April |
UDC_RTC_PARTY | n/a | Deutschland RTC Party Contest. |
UDC_RYO_WS_VHF | RULES | RTTY OPS Weekend Sprint. Bands- 80-10m |
UDC_RY_OP_WDS | RULES | RTTY OPS WeekDAY Sprint. Friday 0145-0215 |
UDC_SA10M | RULES | South America 10Mtr. |
UDC_SACW | RULES | South America CW 3rd weekend Nov |
UDC_SARA | RULES | SARA Spring Sprint. |
UDC_SARA_OM | RULES | SARA Spring Sprint for OM Stations. |
UDC_SARL | RULES | Several South Africa Relay League Contests. See Read_Me file in |
UDC_SASQUATCHS | RULES | Sasquatch Stomp. 1st Friday April |
UDC_SDXC | RULES | Scottish DX Contest. |
UDC_SEANETRTTY | n/a | Seanet Contest. |
UDC_SKEETER | RULES | New Jersey NJQRP Skeeter Contest. |
UDC_SKMEM | RULES | Silent Key Memorial Contest. 1st November. |
UDC_SM_MT | RULES | Swedish Monthly Test. |
UDC_SE_VHF_SPR | RULES | South East V/UHF Sprints. |
UDC_SP_OTC | RULES | Polish Old Timers Club. 4th Weekend January? |
UDC_SMIRK | RULES | Six Metre International Radio Klub Contest. SMIRK |
UDC_SP_PK | RULES | Zawody SP-PK. |
UDC_SRRJR | n/a | SRR JR. |
UDC_SSA_MT | RULES | SSA MT events. |
UDC_SSA_JT | RULES | SSA Christmas Contest. 25th December. |
UDC_SWL | n/a | International 2010. |
UDC_TNPOTA | RULES | Tennessee Parks on the Air. |
UDC_TENTENRTTY | RULES | TenTen QSO Party (10-10) USE FOR ALL MODES, not just RTTY |
UDC_TENTEN | RULES | TenTen QSO Party – Phone, CW (uses UDC_TENTENRTTY .UDC contest file!) |
UDC_TESLA_VHF | RULES | Tesla HF Memorial Contest. 2nd Weekend in March. |
UDC_TRIATHRTTY | n/a | SV Triathlon Contest. |
UDC_TX_PARKS | RULES | Texas Parks On The Air. |
UDC_TISZA_CUP | RULES | TISZA Cup International Radio Contest. 1st Weekend June. |
UDC_TRUEBLUEDX | RULES | True Blue Ultra DX Marathon. 1st Jan to 31st Dec. |
UDC_UBAPSK63 | RULES | UBA PSK63 Prefix Contest. 2nd Weekend in January |
UDC_UFT_HF | RULES | Union of France Telegraphy HF Contest. First Weekend in December Discontinued? |
UDC_UFT_MEET | RULES | UFT Meet. First Weekend in December. |
UDC_UFT_QRP | RULES | Union of France Telegraphy QRP Contest. Last Weekend in June |
UDC_UFT_YL_CW | RULES | Union of France Telegraphy YL-CW Contest. |
UDC_UKDX63RTTY | n/a | UK DXC BPSK63 2nd Weekend in January Replaced by UBA PSK63. |
UDC_UKEI80_VHF | RULES | UKEICC 80m Contests |
UDC_UR5IOK_MEM | RULES | Alexander Savenkov Memorial. |
UDC_URCDXRTTY | RULES | URC DX RTTY. 1st Friday October. |
UDC_USI_QPRTTY | RULES | USi W/VE Islands Qso Party. |
UDC_FT8-ACTVTY | RULES | VHF-UHF FT8 Activity. Every first Wednesday of each month for the 2m band (144.174 MHz). Every second Wednesday of each month for the 70cm band (432.174 MHz). Every third Wednesday of each month for the 23 cm band. |
UDC_VHF902UP | RULES | 902UP or MICROWAVE Sprint |
UDC_VHF_DFRTTY | RULES | DigiFest – digital mixed modes contest. First weekend June. |
UDC_VHF_NAMSS | RULES | NA Meteor Scatter Sprint. 2nd Friday August. |
UDC_VHF_UHF_TA | RULES | Turkish VHF/UHF Contest. |
UDC_VHFARAU_SA | RULES | Araucaria VHF Contest. |
UDC_VHFR2RTTY | RULES | HF Region 2 RTTY Contest. |
UDC_VHFRSGB | RULES | RSGB VHF Contests. see VHF_RSGB_Read_Me.txt in |
UDC_VIDOVDAN | RULES | YU VIDOVDAN Contest. 4th Weekend June. |
UDC_VOLGOGRAD | RULES | Volgograd Championship. 2nd Friday November. |
UDC_VKSHIRES | RULES | Worked all VKSHIRES. Sat&Sun Weekend prior to 2nd Monday in June. |
UDC_VMTROPHY | RULES | Vytautas Magnus trophy. |
UDC_VU_DX_VU | RULES | VU International DX Contest. |
UDC_VU_HIMA_VU | RULES | VU Himalaya Contest. |
UDC_VUSUMMRTTY | RULES | VU Summer Contest. |
UDC_WAB | RULES | Worked All Britain Contests. |
UDC_WAL | RULES | Workes All Lithuania. 1st Saturday June |
UDC_WESM | RULES | WSEM minitest. |
UDC_WFDA2RTTY | n/a | Winter Field Day. If you have previously downloaded this UDC file, delete it from your UserDefinedContests folder and use the built-in WFD contest type instead. See “Setup HF SSB – CW Contests, WFD“ |
UDC_WI-PARKS | RULES | Wisconsin Park on the Air. |
UDC_WIA_VK_DAY | RULES | WIA Australia Day Contest. Annually 26th Jan. |
UDC_WIA_RDC | RULES | WIA Remembrance Day Contest. 2nd Weekend August. |
UDC_WIA_VHFUHF | RULES | WIA VHF/UHF Contest. January/November |
UDC_WLOTARTTY | n/a | World Lighthouse OTA. |
UDC_WORLDARDCH | RULES | World Amateur Radio Day Contests 18th April |
UDC_WRT | RULES | Weekly RTTY Test |
UDC_WWA | RULES | World Wide Activity all January 2025 |
UDC_WWPDX_vHF | RULES | WWPDX Contest. Last weekend Feb. |
UDC_WW_SSB_AC | RULES | WW SSB Activity Contest. Every Tuesday. |
UDC_YBDXC | RULES | Indonesian DX Contest. Indonesian DX Contest. For non-YB stations. SSB 2nd Weekend January. RTTY 2nd Weekend March. |
UDC_YBDXCYB | RULES | Indonesian DX Contest. Indonesian DX Contest. YB stations only. SSB 2nd Weekend January. RTTY 2nd Weekend March. |
UDC_YBDXPI-FT8 | RULES | Indonesian DXing Passion Islands FT8 Contest. 3rd Weekend October. |
UDC_YBDXPISSB | RULES | Indonesian DX PI SSB Contest. 1st Weekend April. |
UDC_YLOM | RULES | YL-OM Contest. |
UDC_YO_CN_US | RULES | FRR CN US Contest.. |
UDC_YOTA | RULES | YOTA Contest. Held May, July and December. |
UDC_YORTTY | RULES | YO PSK31 Contest. |
UDC_YV_CARABOBO | RULES | Battle of Carabobo Contest. |
UDC_ZOMBIE | RULES | ZOMBIE Shuffle. ZOMBIE Shuffle – Day before Halloween |